ExpoForum Completed the First Segment of the High-pressure Gas Pipeline
Construction of the gas pipeline is part of larger plans to develop the engineering infrastructure on the site of the future ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre, construction of which begins later this year.
ExpoForum will Meet the Highest Environmental Standards
ExpoForum’s Convention and Exhibition Centre will be built according to the highest environmental standards, the so-called golden certificate issued by the prominent American organization, U.S. Green Building Council, LEED.
Work Began on the New Engineering Infrastructure for ExpoForum
On January 13 ExpoForum JSC began removal of the existing engineering infrastructure, and began to prepare the ground for the new infrastructure on the territory of the new convention and exhibition centre which will open in 2013.
Gas Boiler System approved for the Convention Centre
The City Committee for Energy and Engineering Infrastructure approved a gas boiler system for the future ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre.