The Congress “Professional Education, Science and Innovations in the 21st Century” Opened in at Expoforum

Development of the vocational training system, rapprochеment of business and academic communities in terms of their positions, discussions of relevant scientific issues, education and innovations are the goals of the Saint Petersburg Congress “Professional Education, Science and Innovations in the 21st Century”. The event will take place in EXPOFORUM on November 29 — December 1.

The topic of the current Congress is Engineering and Engineering Education. It is driven by the fact that the event takes place at the same time and on the same venue as the International Forum and Exhibition “Russian Industrialist” where engineering education has become one of 5 thematic tracks.

New highly qualified personnel is a vital prerequisite for establishment of technologically intensive, competitive manufacturing in Russia — one that does not depend on import. The Congress enables accomplishment of this goal. The program covers 11 events, including a plenary session “Engineers of the Future: New Technologies for the Russian Economy”.

The list of participants includes representatives of the academic field, leading practitioners, students and post-graduate students, representatives of innovatively active organizations, and government officials. The organizer is the Committee for Science and Higher Education of Saint Petersburg.


The Congress “Professional Education, Science and Innovations in the 21st Century” Opened in at Expoforum

Development of the vocational training system, rapprochеment of business and academic communities in terms of their positions, discussions of relevant scientific issues, education and innovations are the goals of the Saint Petersburg Congress “Professional Education, Science and Innovations in the 21st Century”. The event will take place in EXPOFORUM on November 29 — December 1.

The topic of the current Congress is Engineering and Engineering Education. It is driven by the fact that the event takes place at the same time and on the same venue as the International Forum and Exhibition “Russian Industrialist” where engineering education has become one of 5 thematic tracks.

New highly qualified personnel is a vital prerequisite for establishment of technologically intensive, competitive manufacturing in Russia — one that does not depend on import. The Congress enables accomplishment of this goal. The program covers 11 events, including a plenary session “Engineers of the Future: New Technologies for the Russian Economy”.

The list of participants includes representatives of the academic field, leading practitioners, students and post-graduate students, representatives of innovatively active organizations, and government officials. The organizer is the Committee for Science and Higher Education of Saint Petersburg.
