REMIC: the place where business and power come together

ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre ushered in the 4th International Conference “Real Estate Management in Corporations – REMIC 2015,” which gathered together more than 350 participants to discuss pressing issues of land-and-property management

Opening the conference, Gazprom Deputy Chairman Valery Golubev remarked that, by virtue of Russia’s unique territorial particularities, the success of one-of-a-kind sweeping strategic projects of national significance largely depends on the effective arrangement of land-and-property relations between the public and private sectors, and that the conference is well suited to further that positive dialogue.

These words were enthusiastically supported by RF Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Director of the RF Federal Agency for State Property Management – Olga Dergunova, who added that, insofar as major corporations are chiefly responsible for setting a stable example of effective work between business and power, it was particularly important to use the event’s discussion platform to thrash out the most critical aspects of party interaction.

REMIC 2015 – the fourth annual conference in a row devoted to issues of corporate real-estate management, organised by Gazprom. The sheer scale and strategic importance of the problems raised at the conference, level of participation and relevance of the issues at hand, have allowed the event to become one of Russia’s foremost economic forums and maintain a stable position in the current architecture of such high-profile business gatherings.


REMIC: the place where business and power come together

ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre ushered in the 4th International Conference “Real Estate Management in Corporations – REMIC 2015,” which gathered together more than 350 participants to discuss pressing issues of land-and-property management

Opening the conference, Gazprom Deputy Chairman Valery Golubev remarked that, by virtue of Russia’s unique territorial particularities, the success of one-of-a-kind sweeping strategic projects of national significance largely depends on the effective arrangement of land-and-property relations between the public and private sectors, and that the conference is well suited to further that positive dialogue.

These words were enthusiastically supported by RF Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Director of the RF Federal Agency for State Property Management – Olga Dergunova, who added that, insofar as major corporations are chiefly responsible for setting a stable example of effective work between business and power, it was particularly important to use the event’s discussion platform to thrash out the most critical aspects of party interaction.

REMIC 2015 – the fourth annual conference in a row devoted to issues of corporate real-estate management, organised by Gazprom. The sheer scale and strategic importance of the problems raised at the conference, level of participation and relevance of the issues at hand, have allowed the event to become one of Russia’s foremost economic forums and maintain a stable position in the current architecture of such high-profile business gatherings.
